Friday, April 16, 2010

Carpool Practice

Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead.” ~Mac McCleary


Thank you for your cooperation during our new carpool procedure practice run. While permanent changes to carpool procedures will not take effect until July, we gained valuable information during our exercise this morning. Taking extra steps now to prepare and learn new traffic patterns will help carpool run smoothly in July when we begin the 2010-2011 school year.

Afternoon carpool procedures will be rehearsed on Friday, April 30th. Please remember that April 30th is an early release day.

Be aware that there will be slight changes in bell schedules next school year. Elementary School hours will be 8:15AM to 3PM
Middle and HS hours will be 8:15AM to 3:15PM

As always, I appreciate your feedback and enjoying hearing from you.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring is Here!

Spring is finally here. I thought everything would be green. I did not expect yellow.

This has been our year for change and surprise. As our building project progresses we will prepare for carpool changes for next year. DOT has made carpool recommendations for us to implement for the 2010 -11 school year. EWA has agreed to these changes and will plan accordingly. So, to get ready we will have two “practice” days for our new carpool pattern.

April 16, 2010 - Morning carpool for K-8 will be centralized. The traffic flow will be re-routed to assess how we will operate next school year. Follow the orange cones and the direction from staff and you will be fine. It will be a little chaotic, but it will allow us to make the first days of the new school year operate more smoothly.

April 30, 2010 - Early release day. We will practice the new afternoon pattern on this day. Again, follow directions and we will get you in and out safely and efficiently if not quickly. Parents will find parking restrictive on these two days. When the new school year starts we will have additional paved parking to meet our daily needs. However parking on the 16th and 30th will be limited.

More positive changes are coming your way. We will keep you posted.